Under Graduate (UG) or Post Graduate (PG) Degree from Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU)-MDWIX Academy.

How to get Under Graduate (UG) & Post Graduate (PG) Degree from Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU).

What Support MDWIX Academy provides to get your degree conveniently:

MDWIX Academy

     MDWIX Academy provides learner support to take admission in Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU). It provides the necessary course material to complete their subjects more conveniently. Specialized team of experts make the concise suggestion to score good marks. MDWIX Team will continuously guide the student with supportive notes. So we provide guarantee to secure a degree. The costs and expenditures are nominal & affordable for every class of students. Contact through Mobile: 7908076359 or 8101104153 or email  ceo@mdwix.org

Why do People Choose Distance Learning?

                         Distance education's popularity has grown steadily through the advancement of technology, mass communication, increased accessibility vide internet & web network. Moreover it is widely expanded for the learner's need. Historically we can mention that in the 1900 only 1000 students were enrolled for correspondent course and gradually it is increased to 250 million students world wide. In the 19th century correspondent courses emerged through postal services. In the 1970-1980, the distance learning was operated through satellite television. Thus it is advanced to internet based distance in the 1990. From the year 2010 online education became mainstream with increased adoption by different universities and vast accessibility by the learner. After 2020's Covid-19 the need of online learning is being increased. It makes distance education a new form of academics.

Why do you choose Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU)?

               It is the most popular and convenient distance education system. Netaji Subhas Open University is a  way of ease and affordable academy to have a government recognised degree and diploma. This is a government of  West Bengal initiated university. It offers wide range of courses with affordable fees structure. Learner can study from any where of the globe. 

              NSOU has the over 120 study center across West Bengal and offers flexible admission and examination schedules. The application process starts generally in the month of July-August in every year and the eligibility criteria depends upon the course.

               Netaji Subhas Open University has received accreditation and recognition from various prestigious organization  including: University Grant Commission (UGC), Distance Education Council (DEC), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Commonwealth of Learning (COL) & Asian Association of Open University (AAOU). 

              Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) offers degrees and diploma that are equivalent to those offered by traditional universities like Jadavpur University(JU), Calcutta University (CU), Banaras Hindu University(BHU), University of California (USA), Cambridge University. 

        NSOU degrees are recognised by Government of India (GOI), Government of West Bengal (Gov. WB), Other State Government, Private Organization and various International Organization (Subject to specific requirement).

              NSOU degrees have not specific validity. degrees are valid indefinitely unless or until specified by University or regularity bodies. If any fellow is interrogated by any judiciary procedure, his degree may be terminated or restricted.
            NSOU allows re-evaluation of answer scripts, within specified period, usually 6 months from date of publication of result.

           Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) provides degree of international migration eligibility subject to fulfilment of specific requirements by the destination country or institute.

Which Courses does Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) offer?

           Here is a more illustrative overview of the study opportunities at Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU). Following courses are offered by NSOU.

   Under Graduate (UG) Programs:     
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in subjects like English, Bengali, History and more.
  • Bachelor of  Science (B Sc.) in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and more.
  • Bachelor of Commerce (B. com) with specializations in accounting, finance  and more. 
    Post Graduate (PG) Programs:
  • Master of Arts (MA) in subjects like English, Bengali, History and more. 
  • Master of Science (M Sc.) in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and more.
  • Master of Commerce (M. Com) with specializations in accounting, finance  and more. 
  • Master of Library & Information Science(M. LibSc).

  Diploma & Certification Courses:
  • Computer Science and Application 
  • Business Management
  • Environmental Studies
  • Taxation and many more.
 Vocational Courses:
  • Computer Science and Technology
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Fashion Design
  • Handcrafts 
  • Tailoring & More.

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