Vitamin B Complex-Source, Importance and Facts of Deficiency.

Vitamin B Complex-Why is it essential for human bodies?

Vitamin B Complex

We have already discussed in the previous session that Vitamin B Complex is an important food complement. It is one of the major contributor for overall human heath and well being. Vitamin B  complex is a group of Eight Vitamin. All these vitamins are water soluble. These are not synthesized in human body but consumed regular basis. So it is required to be supplemented by external food items mainly from green vegetables. These vitamins act on energy production from food items, brain cells construction, red blood corpuscle generation. Better functionality of central nervous system (CNS) is controlled by the adequate presence of Vitamin b Complex element. For pregnant women folic acid is an an important component that is produced by the vitamin B. This helps to reduce birth complex.
Types of Vitamin: Vitamin B Complex is a compound of eight separate vitamin. These are: B1(Thiamin), B2(Riboflavin), B3(Niacin), B5(Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B7(Biotin), B9(Folic Acid), B12 (Cobalamin).

Source & Function of B Complex Vitamins: 

Thiamin or Vitamin B1: Whole grains, Fish and Pork are major sources of Thiamin. It is an essential elements for glucose metabolism. It also plays vital role in heart & nerve muscle function. Beriberi and wernicke-korsakoff syndrome are due to deficiency of vitamin B1.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2: Green vegetables, Lean eats and eggs are rich of vitamin B2. The deficiency of Vitamin B2 causes ariboflavinosis. It has symptoms of anemia and skin disorder, soar throat and swelling mucous membranes.

Niacin or Vitamin B3: Legumes, Poultry and Peanuts are rich of niacin. Shortfallness of niacin causes pellagra. It has symptoms like dementia, diarrhea and sun sensitive dermatitis.

Pantothenic Acid or Vitamin B5: Broccoli, Chicken and whole grains are the major source of vitamin B5. Absence of Vitamin B6. It causes symptoms like pins and needle sensation.

Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6:Fortified cereals, bread and fish are rich of B6. It can cause anemia, depression and confusion. 

Biotin or Vitamin B7: The most affordable food item, soybean is reach of biotin. Nuts and egg yolk are other important sources of Vitamin B7. The deficiency of vitamin B7causes hair loss, brittle nails and rash in body.

Folic Acid or Vitamin B9: Beans, Citrus fruits and leafy greens are major sources of folic acids. This is highly important for new baby growth during pregnancy. So it must be supplemented for caring mother for proper growth of foetus. 

Cobalamin or Vitamin B12: It is available mainly from animal dairy products, meat and paneer. It responsible for metabolic growth control. Absence of this vitamin B12 can cause fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Recent Research & Development on Vitamin B Complex:

Vitamin B3or Niacin is widely used for cholesterol lowering supplementary food. But in  a recent research conducted in Cleveland Clinic and the subject published in nature medicine that by products of excess niacin called as 4PY causes cardio vascular diseases. So it is now concern to limitation of dietary guidelines mainly obstruction to western diet. Because of fortification mandate is essential. 

Vitamin B Complex is the powerhouse group of nutrients. These vitamins are responsible for metabolism and growth of human organs, brain development and Central nervous control. It is mainly important for pregnant women and growth of foetus. so anyone feels the symptoms of Vitamin B complex deficiency it is wise thoughts to contact healthcare professional.
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